So i shall start with one story first ( ̄ー ̄)"
When i came back from my hongkong trip, shawn was so bored he grew a beard. So i went out with him the next day to visit auntie's new shop. Then he decided to stay over at my place that day so ok, we took the train to my house. And thats when i lost my wallet (ノ゜O゜)ノ
I stepped out of the train and realised my wallet not with me. Damn pek chek cuz everytime with shawn i lose my wallet.(previously was when i go polyclinic with
him get MC) his freaking loser aura i swear lol.
Weirdly that night still happy happy for some reason lol. Play online pictionary with a bunch of dumbfuked online indian girls and other tards. Wahriew, they get the word 'Left' they draw up down left right then circle left. Draw Up and Down for fux?!!?!?

Then i draw cookie they guess socks. I draw a extra smiley face out of boredom they guess frog.
We both damn zzz alr so we started drawing nonsense. When you guys saw the pic below, you probably could tell straight away its bullshit, but those online peeps couldn't lol.

Then we went downstairs, drank some b33r, chill and play the game where you stand on a horizontal pole and try to push each other down. Was around 3am then.
Next day mrt still haven call so i assume its ded. Went to cancel atm, ezlink, then go find jon to follow me make ezlink and stuff since shawn has a l**jiao~ camp on that day.
I made my ezlink($27 including foto) and reported my ic to the police. A few hours later i get a call from a home number. The person ask if i was PAY CAI YI daaaaaaamn slowly so i thought is shawn trying to jiao with me (he sounded like shawn too). And i replied YES U FAG.
The guy stun for a moment then continue say that someone has found my wallet. Then i stun. lol
When to khatib police station collect. The policeman was a nice guy and i just pretended i didnt say anything before lmao.(; ̄▽ ̄)